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When to Market

by platform81   |   July 27, 2015   | 
2 minutes read

I posed a question to a number of people over the last few weeks;

“When is the best time to actively market your business?”

The common response was “when we are quiet” or “when we find the time”

The truth is that Marketing is not a one-time quick fix. A consistent and long-term approach to promoting your business will help create a regular flow of business and long-term client relationships.

There are no guarantees with marketing, and you must of course provide a product or service that is desirable and more appealing than the competitor propositions.

In the marketing world, consistency is a key; communications need to be consistently timed, consistently branded and consistently themed. One-off campaigns rarely make any sort of impact, which is why regularity is vital.

It is important to plan your marketing well in advance and ensure there are regular touch points with current and potential clients. As many people know, it is much easier to generate work from current clients, assuming they have been happy with their experience with the company, so always be sure to keep in regular contact with clients through email newsletters, social media, printed materials or the odd courtesy call!!

The Platform81 newsletter is sent out on a monthly basis, and back in June we had a call from a previous client we had not worked with for over 3 years. We are now working with the client again on a number of exciting projects that will take us well into 2016!

SO in answer to the original question, “When is the best time to actively market your business?” – There is no best time, you need to promote your business all the time!

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