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Blog Writing Services in Stockport

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It’s easy for businesses to underestimate the power of a blog – but with the right content, a consistent schedule, and a helping hand from content experts like Platform81, blogs can have a galvanising effect on your organic traffic and engagement.

So, what do blogs entail – and why should you invest the time and effort into maintaining one?

Becoming a credible voice

Whatever your business entails, you live and breathe your chosen industry – and the value of your expertise isn’t limited to your day-to-day activities.

By articulating your knowledge in an authoritative and engaging manner through a growing library of blog content, you’ll establish yourself as a fully-fledged thought leader, capable of grappling with the complex issues your work demands and demonstrating command of your field.

With prospects turning to your resources for informative content, you’ll see increased levels of trust in your brand which, in turn, can only help to convert your increasing volumes of organic traffic into potential sales leads.

Increasing organic traffic

Any business that wants to increase its site visitors (and, by extension, the leads and sales that follow) needs to do everything it can to increase its visibility and appear as high in the search rankings as possible.

Blog posts are an excellent way to make this happen. If nothing else, the sheer quantity of content that arises from a well-maintained blog provides you with increasing numbers of indexable pages – every one of which acts as an opportunity to appear on search engine results pages (SERPs) like Google’s.

In fact, according to studies from the likes of Hubspot, companies that incorporate a blog into their online presence benefit from 55% more visitors than those that don’t.

Long-term online visibility

This influx of site visitors won’t be solely reliant on fresh content – after all, your posts won’t disappear after you’ve written them.

Provided that your content is properly evergreened, dealing with issues that are unlikely to become out of date or opinions that won’t become stale over the subsequent weeks, months, or even years, your blog posts will remain relevant to searchers and prospects long after its creation.

Of course, this isn’t the only way to leverage blog posts in the long-term. Blogs should be thought of as a constantly evolving resource that can be reformulated and recycled for use on your social media feeds, providing you with new ways to circulate your content while easily providing fodder for your social calendar.

Establishing your brand’s character

Your blog isn’t just a resource to be repurposed, of course – and your content shouldn’t be limited solely to proving your industry knowledge. It’s just as important to articulate the personality and unique charms of your brand voice – an area in which blogs excel.

By complementing your brand’s trustworthiness with a tone that both reflects your values and encourages friendly engagement and rapport with your customers, a blog can plant the seed of community among your new and returning prospects alike, establishing your brand as a space worth revisiting for the atmosphere alone.

And, by using your blog as a tool for engagement in this way, you’ll be able to solidify your budding new relationships with your customers by actively engaging with their thoughts, comments, and suggestions, gaining a handy insight into the minds of your prospects and leveraging that information across your business more broadly.

How can Platform81 help?

To extract the full amount of value from your blog, you’ll need the support of experienced copywriters, like our team at Platform81.

We take great pride in providing our clients with informative and engaging blog posts on a frequent and regular basis, populating your site with resources that improve your SERP visibility, attract a huge number of prospective customers, and lay down the indelible stamp of your brand personality for every visitor, reader, and prospect.

Here at Platform81, we know how to craft blog content which is not only thoughtful and interesting but which expresses the nuances and uniqueness of your brand and your offering alike.

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